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- Fyodor Dostoevsky, 'Crime and Punishment'

Further news from Dr Bryan Ardis
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Dr Ardis says, "It has been a relentless effort on my part for the last 6 to 8 months to educate the entire world on this truth".

The presence of venoms in Covid-19 patients
The research studies out of China during January 2020[1] and France during April 2020 [2] in the early parts of the pandemic, geneticists and the scientists actually confirmed that the origin source of the spike proteins and for the antibodies attacking the actual illness in China were the Chinese Krait snake and the Chinese king cobra. Two months later, Italian scientists during June 2020, when they analysed the faeces, urine and blood of Covid-19 positive patients found that 36 different animals venoms were inside only the Covid-19 patients.

They found no venoms in the negative PCR tested patients. They also evaluated for urine, but didn’t find it in the urine. They found it in just the blood and in the faeces, 20 different snake venoms and 16 starfish and deep sea venomous snail venoms. These venoms synthetically made from the ocean snails and a starfish called the crown of thorn starfish. are deadly.

In the British Medical Journal they actually have a Health article published in the summer of 2021, it’s titled ‘
Snakebites and COVID-19: two crises, one research and development opportunity’. In the summary box, they actually say, "Despite inherent differences, snakebite venoms and COVID-19 have much in common".

Last summer 2021 University of Arizona took 300 patients who died with Covid-19, and tested their blood. They wanted to find out what’s in their blood, a biomarker that they can warn medical doctors and hospitals so they can actually address and try to handle and target appropriately. The researchers identified the mechanism driving Covid-19 mortality and said the key molecule and the ‘mechanism responsible for Covid-19 mortality’ is an enzyme related to neurotoxins found in rattlesnake venom. This was published on August 24th 2021 in their article titled: "Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality".

In Italy, this was done in June 2020. This entire study was completed and admitted for peer-review and approval in July 2020. Its title is ‘toxins like peptides in plasma’. In this work, the Italian researchers report the identification of toxin-like peptides in COVID-19.
They collected Plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients and control individuals were analysed to study peptide toxin profiles. Protein precipitation preparation procedure was used for plasma, to remove high molecular weight proteins and efficiently solubilize the peptide fraction; in the case of faeces and urine, direct peptide solubilization was employed.

RESULTS:Toxin-like peptides, almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals, like conotoxins, phospholipases, phosphodiesterases, zinc metal proteinases, and bradykinins, were identified in samples from COVID-19 patients, but not in control samples.

CONCLUSIONS: The presence of toxin-like peptides could potentially be connected to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Their presence suggests a possible association between COVID-19 disease and the release in the body of (oligo-)peptides almost identical to toxic components of venoms from animals. Their involvement in a large set of heterogeneous extra-pulmonary COVID-19 clinical manifestations, like neurological ones, cannot be excluded. Although the presence of each individual symptom is not selective of the disease, their combination might be related to COVID-19 by the coexistence of the panel of the detected toxin-like peptides.

The presence of these peptides opens new scenarios on the aetiology of the COVID-19 clinical symptoms observed up to now, including neurological manifestations. Peptides are short proteins of venoms of snakes, venoms from marine snails that are more toxic than king cobra venom to humans. They found this in Covid-19 patients along with parts of Venom like phospholipases, phosphodiesterases and zinc metal proteinases. In snake venom, they have a component that destroys Zinc, and Bradykinins were identified in Covid-19 patients but not in any of the control samples.

Presently, I want to kind of focus back on the Arizona study. Every symptom of Covid-19 the Arizona study, said, it was like venom coursing through the body. Researchers identified what’s causing the death of Covid-19 patients was the enzyme called phospholipase A2 now I have a screenshot of every one of those venoms in the Italian study which says venom phospholipase A2
All I did was screenshot each of the venoms and from which animal's venom was the component of their venom called phospholipase A2 that was found at levels never seen in a human before by the University of Arizona in the blood of Covid-19 patients so I’m going to take you through this venom phospholipase A2 source from the Italian study

Phospholipase A2 is the enzyme responsible for killing hospitalised Covid-19 patients. At the University of Arizona, they found, and they said it’s like venom coursing through the body. At the end of the subtitles, it says they found that the enzyme is related to a neurotoxin found in rattlesnake venom.

I am going to show the research study they quoted from that ‘phospholipase enzymes has potential bio markers for SARS COV 2 virus' The University of Arizona with Stony Brook university in Wake Forest School of Medicine, they analysed blood samples from two different patient loads of Covid-19 patients, and they found circulating enzyme called ‘secreted phospholipase A2 may be the most important factor in predicting which patients with severe Covid-19 eventually succumb to the virus' and then the next phrase. SPLA2 enzyme, which has similarities to an active enzyme in rattlesnake venom, is found in low concentrations in healthy individuals.

When the activated enzymes circulate at high levels, like they’re finding in Covid-19 patients, they have the capacity to shred the membranes of vital organs. They say that the enzyme is trying to kill the virus. it destroys the patients' cell membranes and thereby contributes to multiple organ failures and death.

The enzyme the University of Arizona research first discovered reports 'pathophysiological disease causing alterations in the victim by hydrolysing phospholipids and membranes, just breaking them down. it’s tearing down the cell structures of your body.

There are not enough snakes. You can’t milk snakes and pour in water, to make everybody sick. They have been using synthetic manufactured venoms round the world for decades. A lot of government agencies like the CIA are involved in it, and so are many pharmaceutical companies.

Anybody who doesn’t want to look at snake venom is just trying to direct you somewhere else. They are manufacturing synthetic venoms, actually get it down to a powder. It’s called live freeze-dried powder form and right now, you can go online and order snake venom peptides or scorpion venom peptides in a powder form. You can put it in makeup cosmetics.

2 years before the pandemic started, the Utah State University biological engineering department published how they made synthetic snake venom, and a novel creation of the phospholipase A2 using genetic engineering. Now remember phospholipase A2 is the one enzyme killing Covid-19 patients. They are showing you that they can make it in a lab. This is just learning how to make more of a poisonous toxic venom without a snake or without the creature.

This is one example of a research Lab at Utah state university, years ago who is actually publishing, they could do this. In the conclusions of their work they say here: "We’re talking about the phospholipase A2 snake venom peptide" that final gene was successfully cloned into E. coli bacteria using molecular cloning standards and secondly, the results there was an overexpression of this snake venom enzyme PLA2 was achieved in E. coli, and then they show you at the top right how much it costs to manufacture one unit of synthetic snake venom from snakes, how much it cost to make PLA2 from humans, cows and pigs.

The team at Utah State University discovered an innovative method for snake venom production that could drastically cut down the cost and improve accessibility of anti-venom treatment globally. In traditional methods, venom extraction from snakes is both dangerous and expensive. However, this research offers a much safer and cost-effective solution.

In the new process, the DNA sequence of specific peptides, found in snake venom, is inserted into E. coli bacteria. As a survival mechanism, the bacteria ingest and then 'spit out' these toxic proteins.

The excreted venom peptides can then be collected and used in the creation of anti-venom serum, which can save lives by neutralizing the toxic effects of snakebites. It's a game-changing method that is not only cheaper and safer but also far more sustainable and ethical, as it eliminates the need for snake 'milking.'
My next thought was what if there’s a secondary bacterial infection in the Covid-19 patients and hospitals that is E. coli related what if there’s E coli thriving in their intestinal tract or in their blood, what if the venom is being replicated by E. coli bacteria.

The majority of venoms are synthetically made from yeast and E.coli and a very common side effect of using antibiotics is overgrowth of yeast. Imagine if there’s yeast or E. coli present actually generating and replicating more venom now just so everyone understands you are all being told that mRNA technology in the Pfizer Moderna shot is to inject you a genetic code genetic snippet of a code, so your body can make it? but E. coli, bacteria, yeast, and you will, make the venom, and I’m going to show you how I know they already know they can do this. they’re outing themselves, as far as I’m concerned, as controlled opposition as interfering with the narrative of truth and I just had to work that out

Some of them are still calling it a vaccine still talking about it as a virus, ignoring your work on the snake and all the derivatives
Is it possible there’s a correlation or reports coming out during the pandemic and individuals with E. coli bacterial infections at the same time they had covid had worse outcomes now?

If you go to the University of Louisville journal of respiratory infections published this case report, there’s not just one. I’m going to show another study here, this report’s early in the pandemic in the first year of a patient with E. coli bacteria and Covid-19 coinfection. A 64-year-old white male presented to the emergency department with the chief complaint of burning with urination four days before admission. His past medical history was significant type 2 diabetes. The patient also endorsed urinary retention Gait instability, nausea, vomiting and chills, blood cultures were collected, both of which grew E. coli, so we had E. Coli, and they put them on antibiotics for E.coli and then the patient went on to develop multiple organ failures, including acute respiratory distress syndrome. On day nine, they did a PCR test and found that he also had covid at this time, the patient was non-responsive off sedation and was compassionately extubated.

I’ve spent the last 18 months of this work telling people the PCR test does not diagnose anything in particular, no illness, no particular fluid, it doesn’t differentiate, What is the PCR test picking up? In the whole world was angry medically that they were now being forced to put faith and trust in what was called the PCR test to diagnose a new novel respiratory virus, and we have covered that ad nauseam it’s not an accurate test to diagnose viral infections of any kind.

Imagine my shock to find out that for over two decades it’s been used solely for snake venom research to identify genetic material of snake venom present in a medium, it identifies snake venom genetics. So then PCR test actually could have been very accurate this entire time because they were using the tool accurately in research studies to identify venoms.

This case study in Louisville I just want to share this and what they found was they said patients who had E. coli infection were more likely to require mechanical ventilation and had longer ICU stays than patients without these infections, and they found patients with an E. coli coinfection and covid had an inpatient mortality rate of 31%, it makes sense to me if it’s able to do that maybe this is why there’s so much PLA2 in the patients with Covid-19 in the hospitals who died. Then I wanted to know is there any correlation in E.coli infections and then farther into the pandemic this is October 2021 impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on survival in the patients with the intra-abdominal E. coli infections so, it says what’s the impact of Covid-19 with patients who had E. coli in their guts.

What they’ve studied showed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the clinical outcome and death due to E coli infection with an extension of time between your onset of symptoms and then surgery there is an increase in death and worsening of symptoms when they have E coli present, and I know this is confirmed in this could be wide is you don’t see what kinds of profile patients have a large amount of E coli lots of yeast from the overproduction of sugar in the inability to regulate sugar?

Those who have the biggest problem clearing E. coli and yeast infections are those that are diabetics type 2 particularly who also are correlated to have the worst outcomes with covid. There is an indirect correlation to the inability to manage blood sugar. E. coli proliferates throughout the body and spreads so does yeast just profoundly and then the inputting antibiotics worsens the growth for some E. coli strains and proliferates yeast throughout the body.

Some populations that have been targeted; diabetics, cardiac and the elderly were taken out in the first wave thanks to Cuomo and a few others like him. So it was diabetics, obese patients because of their metabolism and the cardiac patients, so I want people to know that I think it’s significant that it all aligns with those populations that were taken out easily in the hospitals.

The highest mortality or death from Covid-19 in America the highest is Native American, the second highest is blacks, the third is Hispanics. I’ve had to educate many medical professionals on this. Did you also know that Native Americans represent the highest percentage of a race with diabetes in America, including type 2? The second-highest race percentages are blacks, the thirds are Hispanics.

Now for the medical professionals out there recognize I am presenting information to you that the COVID-19 spike proteins and the enzymes being identified in the blood of Covid-19 patients who are dying that there is a possible correlation to E. coli and yeast and coinfections in your patients, please take your covid patients in the future do they have an underlying E. coli or yeast and the probability and the plausibility that the venom peptides present in the body can be increased by those coinfections.

I said from the beginning nobody’s getting covid twice okay because that was based on the premise that once your body’s been exposed to an infectious agent it recognizes it in the future unless you’re dead, and you have no immune system and under that premise you cannot get covid or a flu again.

Under these discoveries, you can be re-poisoned so you can get covid again if you’re being re-poisoned with this toxin that your body now has been driven to make right, so we’re talking about two different things. One thing is coming to you in the air and in the water. 2nd is the shots which are programming people to poison themselves.

These venoms are being used by pharmaceutical drug companies all over the world. They’re using snake venom peptides in all kinds of drugs.

They not only could buy synthetic venom online you can actually pick what you want to be grown in that’s what’s remarkable mammal cells yeast or E.coli pretty amazing so please pay attention to your patients who are sick with covid symptoms and future all right now let’s get back to the Italy study not only were there 20 different snake venoms that all can be synthetically made and are round the world being weaponized you can also buy 15 different conotoxins that were identified since come from marine snails.

You can actually see the title it says conosnail drug is one hundred times more potent than morphine, so I just want to drugmakers What’s a conotoxin it’s one of a group of neurotoxic peptides isolated from the venom of marine cone scales

I want you to read the part here on Wikipedia
Types and biological activities of conotoxins you’ll see the very
The first bullet point says alpha conotoxin affects nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. That’s actually what causes your covid symptoms.
There’s a specific type of marine snail venom that there is a synthetic version of this conotoxin has been found and applied as an analgesic drug called Prialt® (ziconotide)]. Ziconotide is a member of the miscellaneous analgesics drug class and is commonly used for Chronic Pain, and Pain. The cost for Prialt® intrathecal solution (100 mcg/mL) is around $1,055 for a supply of 1 millilitre(s)

They actually inject this into your spinal column into your spinal fluid when someone’s in so much pain they can’t find any other drug that works now this drug is made from synthetic conotoxin snail venom. I just showed you that little article that showed out of Australia they’ve made a drug now from this snail venom that’s a hundred times more powerful than morphine at dropping pain, Ziconotide or brand name Prialt®. I want you to see what it’s side effects are

I want you to think about every horrible and every single horrible visual side effect you’ve seen in every Covid-19 mRNA injected and person when their gaits are shaking, when they fall over, it looks like they’re hallucinating, remember all of their symptoms you’ve seen visually now look at what the snail called conotoxin when it’s made into a drug and injected inside the body of a person what it does when it reaches the brain. Abnormal Gait, aphasia the inability to speak is what aphasia, dizziness, memory impairments, speech disturbances, hallucinations. Hallucinating seeing things that aren’t there, vertigo, abnormal paraesthesia, warning for everybody using this coat synthetic conotoxin.

Monitor all patients frequently for evidence of cognitive impairment, if you see someone go into unconsciousness, which means a coma, you want to look at this drug its side effect, and they’re using tons of different types of these toxins and which could explain why people are getting different things at different times. Look at 19 patients look at the serious side effects of synthetic venoms from the conotoxin look at the more common ones change in walking, in balance, clumsiness, confusions, delusions, dementia, problems with speech or speaking, seeing, hearing, shakiness, unsteady walk, shakiness in the legs, arms, and feet.

How many of those videos have you seen where the people like nurses were shaking after shivering, slurred speech, thoughts of killing yourself suicide, sure uncontrolled eye movements.

Synthetic conotoxin has these other but less common side effects. Aggressive or angry look, holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by facts. I’m going to go ahead and say something I think everybody who doesn’t want to look at venom and Venom peptides as a part of the Covid-19 narrative, I think you might have conotoxin poisoning. You’re holding a false belief that cannot be changed by fact.

They’re keeping I’ve said they want to do this over and over again and get more and more because they’re priming your body for something and this is one of the things they’re doing, but there’s been a lot of discussion about the AI and you know this one some people are looking at patents.

I just want people to see correlate the idea of the possibility that venoms and synthetic venoms might be causing an array of all the symptoms you’re seeing related to covid and the Host Covid-19 shots. I think they’re all correlated to venom.

All of a sudden, we have covid PCR tested positive. This is actually a United States patent from 1999 for conotoxin peptides, guess who owns the patent? It is the Salk institute. In 1957, Jonas Salk, developed of the first 'safe and effective' polio vaccine.They are the ones who own the patent, along with the Institute. The conotoxins impact peptides actually target nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, this is 1999 people. This invention was made with government support under a grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health.

Here’s a Google patent out of China for how to make conotoxins with yeast. I’m going to bring you to the last sentence of the abstract. It says the yeast expression system the present invention uses, expresses biologically active conotoxin, and it has many advantages such as lower production costs, and it can be achieved with large-scale production. I didn’t realize we needed so much conotoxin in the world. Next Marine drugs is publishing conotoxins patents and their trends. All the patents applied for since 1981 till the present, and who is the majority owner of holder does it fall into categories like was it permit industry was it governors? Look at the top highlighted Institute of Chemical Defence, Chinese Academy of military science, they have all their applications pending right now for conotoxins and the most recent pending applications belong to kineta in the Institute of chemical Defence of the Chinese Academy of military Sciences, just remember now that are applying with patents and have patents pending their manufacturing this stuff waiting.

Okay, so this actual graph shows all the places that institutions that are applying for conotoxin patents t
I want you to look at the top countries between 2016 and 2022 who have applied for the most patents of conotoxins look at this China has 29 the United States is 2 with 9. You can see the list of all the countries there. These are the assignees those have been given patent rights for conotoxin production and the growth of those applications being awarded. look who’s got the highest percentage China ocean University, then I want you to draw your attention down to the bottom. Why does children’s medical canter in Clemson University why do they need patents on Conotoxins because they’re doing something it’ll specially target children to take children out other they’re obviously many people need patents on conotoxins to develop drugs or biological weapons

We’re going to go back to now the biological engineering at Utah state University. they can synthetically make snake venom with E. coli, particularly the possible phospholipase A2 enzyme that the University of Arizona said is the enzyme found in rattlesnake venom that is inside Covid-19 patients who died and in their blood.

The Time magazine cover from January 1999 Genetic engineering is going to change us in the next century, now look at the DNA strand on this cover page, what’s it going to change in the next century Serpents and Snakes visual is. DNA is what it looks like, the Utah State University study, yep I want you to read the last two words highlighted in the title of this study they can make synthetic snake venom out of E. coli, and they use genetic engineering. What does Time Magazine say, in 1999 it says they can make synthetic snake venom. They call that genetic engineering. 20 years ago Time magazine made us aware they’re going to be using genetic engineering to change us in the future. Considered E. coli can make synthetic snake venom, and everything I just showed you they are actually making the human body capable of creating venom and the human body I’ve never known massive benefits and rewards from making the body.

You need to be aware of is that they’re actually known inhibitory natural Elements and treatments for venoms.
one of the actual proteins found in all the Italy studied patients from venom was snake venom phosphodiesterase it is known that if you put in the body glutathione N Acetyl cysteine, vitamin C and EDTA it destroys that venom component Bradykinins is another venom component found in the bodies they slow the heart rate. Bradykinins is inhibited by bromelain aloe vera and respiratorol just so you know so these are it’s already published every day.

Please, medical professionals around the world consider looking at your weaponized and venomated patients from all kinds of venoms and then start addressing it how do you treat a venomated person. You have to do that.

Dr Ardis is a global treasure, you may have just saved humanity. now we have to just execute on all of this, thank you for bringing it to us.

The target spike protein gene is then synthetically manufactured and inserted into a plasmid, or a small circular piece of DNA. Plasmids are used in mRNA vaccine production because they are easy to replicate (copy) and reliably contain the target gene sequence. Once a sequence is selected, a new plasmid can be produced within a couple of weeks, allowing new mRNA vaccines to be tested and distributed rapid

The scam being run by the vaccine mafia is clearly seen in the example below:

The first thing that happens is that we have a very strange phenomenon in China. We have an eye doctor who spots a case of supposedly atypical pneumonia. Now, that event is a very strange event to start with. There is lots of pneumonia all the time in China, but he says this one is very strange. That is the 30th of December, and then supposedly we have the emergence of, according to the World Health Organization, already on January 5th they're telling us that they have identified 44 cases out of a population of 8 million people with atypical pneumonia of unknown cause. So, that's the second in five days from the time that the first doctor said he'd seen something strange. Then two days later they had declared that a new SARS like virus was the cause of these pneumonia cases. Two days after that, they decided that they identified 65 unusual cases. Just three days later, we have a situation where the firm manufacturing the first PCR kits to test for this thing is already shipping them. So, we have gone from the identification of the first case to the shipping of the first kits in 11 days. On that same day when they shipped the kits, the first gene sequences are published. Two days after that, the World Health Organization has already accepted the Christian Drosten PCR protocol as what they called the gold standard for testing this new disease and a few more gene sequences were published in that time just 12 days after, nine days after that, the famous common Drosten protocol is published and submitted for review, and 27 hours later it's peer-reviewed, published in a journal that takes months, that Drosten is an editor of. After that, there's a Chinese study about the specific clinical symptoms that supposedly relate to Covid and that's published in the New England Journal of medicine. We are still only 25 days from the beginning of this whole thing and then five days after that, the first study is published also in the NEJM about asymptomatic transmission. So we've established the course in a compressed time frame of just 26 days. there's a new clinical manifestation, it's caused by this virus. This virus has the following sequence, here's a test which is the gold standard in identifying that sequence, and the peer reviewed research identifying the primers that we're going to use all over the world, is submitted for peer review and published, and we've described the clinical features of this new disease.

I would submit to you at each one of those steps was a complete and utter bullshit and was premeditated, ( DOC MALIK Honest Health).

[1] Cheng et al. (2020) Superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation. PNAS.
[2] Martins D, Potet J, Ribeiro I. Snakebites and COVID-19: two crises, one research and development opportunity. BMJ Glob Health. 2021 Oct;6(10):e006913. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006913. PMID: 34697086; PMCID: PMC8557241.
[3] By Rosemary Brandt, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Aug. 24, 2021 "Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality"
[4] Brogna, Carlo & Cristoni, Simone & Petrillo, Mauro & Querci, Maddalena & Piazza, Ornella & Van den Eede, Guy. (2021). Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients. F1000Research. 10. 550. 10.12688/f1000research.54306.2.
[5] Sanchez-Campos N, Bernaldez-Sarabia J, Licea-Navarro AF. Conotoxin Patenting Trends in Academia and Industry. Mar Drugs. 2022 Aug 19;20(8):531. doi: 10.3390/md20080531. PMID: 36005534; PMCID: PMC9410114.

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PS: Taking a stand against the existing paradigm of dental and medical care is very costly. My website has highlighted practices of those who knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate illness. This is obviously not acceptable to the power structure controlling our health. To continue to produce evidentiary articles on my website and this forum - which have enlightened thousands of health practitioners and patients all around the world, to keep my staff employed and my offices viable, we request a little help. If you feel that this article has made an astonishing change in your symptoms, please donate through a window that comes up after a few seconds at

A paradigm shift in the care of the vaccine injured.
We shall also be truly grateful for feedback if you have benefitted from the treatment suggested in part 2, to start helping some of the millions who have been seriously injured.

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