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PostPosted: Thu, 21 Dec 2023, 5:58 pm 
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Covid-19 "virus" or "venom"
"This article contains groundbreaking information about COVID-19 that will permanently alter your perspective," asserts Dr. Jason Shurka, who recently introduced a compelling video I encountered.

Your well-being hinges on how effectively you absorb the insights presented in this thorough piece. After delving into numerous sources on COVID-19, I found this video to offer the most persuasive and exhaustive knowledge. I trust that after engaging with all three parts, you will share this view.

I commence with several perplexing and enigmatic events that have bewildered me:

1) My traditional understanding was that a viral infection typically progresses into a bacterial infection, necessitating antibiotic intervention. However, I was utterly astonished during the 2020 Corona pandemic when a hospital nurse revealed that she had witnessed patients experiencing remarkable recoveries through antibody treatments. Although I took her statement at face value at the time, the enigma persisted until now.

2) Upon discovering that a significant number of patients were succumbing to thrombosis, I couldn’t help but consider the alarming possibility that the vaccine might have been contaminated with snake venom. This suspicion was heavily influenced by the tragic memory of my cousin's death, caused by clotting from a snake bite in Africa several years earlier.

3) No laboratory anywhere in the world has ever isolated the COVID-19 virus. A search on Google will yield thousands of links from esteemed medical practitioners and reputable journals discussing the "COVID-19 virus." If no such virus has been detected, where are they publishing this information from?

4) If the SARS-CoV-2 virus had been known during the 2002 SARS pandemic in China, its genome would have been mapped out, and an appropriate vaccine should have been developed.

5) Thousands of excess deaths have occurred, yet there is a conspicuous silence from politicians. Every time Andrew Bridgen, a UK parliamentarian, rises to address the issue of excess deaths in the Houses of Parliament, 95% of the MPs immediately vacate the chamber, potentially revealing their true affiliations. I urge you to watch this video by Dr. Campbell for further insights.

6) My scepticism regarding the "Oxford vaccine" arose from observing a supposedly reliable English professor involved in the vaccine development team. His frequent television appearances were marred by his persistent downward gaze and aversion to direct eye contact with the camera, which led me to suspect that he might be concealing something. This prompted me to question whether harmful substances were present in the vaccine and if the public had been misled into believing it was merely derived from a fragment of viral DNA, which was evidently not the case.

The sweeping repercussions of a significant falsehood are glaringly evident, with numerous lives lost due to its propagation. The architects of this deception have been permitted to operate without facing any consequences, enjoying substantial recognition, wealth, and even prestigious honours. Meanwhile, those impacted by their actions are left to endure severe health and financial hardships, frequently culminating in homelessness, especially in the United States.

In summary, these perplexing events raise numerous questions and challenge the narratives we have been presented with. The disparities between the information disseminated, and the realities experienced by individuals suggest a deeper, more complex issue at play, one that warrants thorough investigation and scrutiny.

The subsequent portion of this article has been abridged, refined, and modernised from an outstanding video lecture by Dr. Jason Shurka, proprietor of Rays of Light Wellness Center in New York, and Dr. Bryan Ardis from Dallas, Texas. Their commendable effort in disseminating this precious knowledge globally warrants immense appreciation.

Dr. Jason Shurka draws a compelling comparison between the 9/11 tragedy and the contemporary global situation, highlighting both as pivotal moments in history and potential instances of governmental manipulation of public perception. However, Dr Shurka notes an increasing public awareness of such manipulations and sees a chance to dismantle these misleading narratives with solid evidence. He commends Dr. Bryan Ardis for his groundbreaking strategy in tackling the coronavirus pandemic, which involves presenting factual evidence that challenges the mainstream narrative. According to Dr Shurka, this evidence-based approach is far more effective than merely offering opinions, as it empowers individuals to engage in critical thinking and uncover the truth on their own.

Dr. Ardis responds: "The significance of the date, September 11, is profound. It serves as a wake-up call for those who are willing to scrutinise the elaborate deception orchestrated globally regarding the so-called 'corona epidemic.' The media, alongside medical professionals and scientists, have perpetuated a new narrative and grand illusion, suggesting that we are contending with a bat virus. However, from the onset of the pandemic, declared in January 2020, DNA experts have asserted that this is not a vampire virus. Rather, it is the venom of two snakes: the King Cobra and the Asian Krait."
Snakes.jpg [ 103.85 KiB | Viewed 4513 times ]

Imagine my astonishment upon discovering that, two and a half years into the pandemic, we were still grappling with its origins and the widespread acceptance of the prevailing narrative. This shock was compounded when DNA experts revealed that the genetic composition of the "virus" causing illness was, in fact, venom proteins from two different snakes.

This revelation set me on an extraordinary journey. It dawned on me that we had been deceived on a global scale. The medical profession, health agencies worldwide, and health organisations—politicians and their advisors included—have once again misled the entire planet, just as they did 22 years ago regarding the September 11th attacks.

Dr Jason Shurka: I'm not even sure we should call it a vaccine, considering the timeline before and after its introduction starting from January 2020. It's really about identifying the problem and finding the solution. I believe this whole situation was orchestrated, and it takes someone with your courage to reveal the truth. Moreover, I understand you're retired and under no obligation to take this on. Your life has been threatened before, so why are we pursuing this?

Dr. Bryan Ardis embarked on a quest to uncover the reasons behind his father-in-law's tragic death following hospital treatment for the flu, which involved the antibiotic Vancomycin. This drug, known for its potential to rapidly damage kidneys, can cause lung congestion, rendering mechanical ventilation ineffective. Additionally, Morphine, often used for pain relief, can paralyse the heart and diaphragm, leading to fatal consequences. Despite Dr. Ardis's pleas, the hospital continued administering Vancomycin, causing profound emotional turmoil for him and his family. Seeking answers and comfort, Dr. Ardis delved into the harmful protocols affecting patients in hospitals.

Commentary: Observant readers might have noticed a curious phenomenon in the United Kingdom during 2020: there were no flu-related deaths reported, despite an annual average of around 15,000. Instead, these deaths were attributed to the "Covid-19 virus," along with other causes such as suicides and car accidents. This methodology was similarly employed in multiple European nations, as well as in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Many have viewed this approach as a grand conspiracy, arguing that the numbers were deliberately exaggerated and data manipulated to sow fear and anxiety among the populace. This strategy led individuals to eagerly anticipate a vaccine that promised salvation from an impending calamity.

Leveraging widely recognized diseases can be an exceedingly profitable endeavor. Once people are convinced that a particular illness, like the supposed virus, poses a severe threat, they are more likely to seek medical interventions. This tactic was executed with precision, culminating in billions of individuals opting for an unproven and potentially hazardous "vaccine" which, in reality, was a form of gene therapy with irreversible consequences.

This scheme was meticulously planned and carried out. The goal was to create the illusion that people were dying en masse due to the "COVID-19 virus," thereby prompting others to scramble for their vaccinations. The prime stage for propagating this fearmongering was New York hospitals, which effectively functioned as death factories. The media and governments worldwide amplified the panic, leading to approximately 5 billion people globally falling prey to this meticulously crafted health fraud. The governor of the New York hospital, with his furtive glances, was at the forefront of disseminating the dire news, underscoring the urgent necessity for a vaccine to prevent millions of deaths.

The vaccine was predominantly administered to individuals of European descent residing in regions such as Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The uptake rate in these areas was notably high, around 85%, likely due to either deliberate distribution or circumstantial factors. In stark contrast, only 15% of individuals in Asia and a meagre 5% in Africa received the vaccine. Tragically, the vaccine has been linked to a considerable number of unexplained deaths and continues to cause harm. The architects of this grand deception have not been held accountable and are currently orchestrating the release of new viruses and vaccines to further mislead and catastrophically poison the public. This unprecedented deception calls for a comprehensive investigation and the urgent arrest of the perpetrators, conspirators and enablers in a Nuremberg style trial and punishment for crimes against humanity.

Dr. Ardis elaborates, "I came across several interviews on CNN and other media platforms in May 2020. Hospital administrators and medical doctors in New York City, the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, were addressing the media from podiums and expressing a unanimous concern. They all reported something unprecedented about this novel coronavirus: 'We've never encountered a respiratory virus that moves from the lungs to the kidneys and shuts them down within 24 hours.' Tragically, this rapid kidney failure was leading to deaths within days, and New York City was overwhelmed, resorting to using tractor-trailers to store the bodies.

As I watched these interviews, I noticed a sincere and genuine expression of their concerns. They were adamant that they had never seen such behaviour in a respiratory virus before. However, one must question their sincerity given their knowledge of Vancomycin’s propensity to cause kidney failure. In reality, the sequence of events was likely the opposite: drug-induced kidney failure led to subsequent lung failure, multi-organ failure, and ultimately, death."

Here is a story featured on Rumble today, December 31, 2023. Gail McCrae, a brave nurse from San Francisco, recounts the alarming threefold surge in hospitalizations and deaths she observed, which were directly linked to the vaccine rollout. Most startling was the dramatic rise in code blue emergencies, escalating from one per shift to between six and ten, with the majority originating from the vaccine clinic. Staff members were cautioned against reporting adverse events, and regrettably, most adhered to this directive. Gail was fired from her job and was removed from her graduation program for voicing her concerns. Her story deserves to be heard!! Please click this link

Returning to the account of his father-in-law's death, Dr. Ardis continues, "I made them cease the medication. I returned home. An hour later, the nurses' station called my wife and said:

'The hospital administrators and the attending medical doctors have conferred and instructed the nursing staff to inform you that we are permanently reversing the changes made today at your husband's request. We are reinstating the original hospital protocol. Your husband is no longer permitted on these premises, and we will not be communicating with him further.'

My wife, in tears, asked me why they would do such a thing. I explained that I had exposed their liability for injuries caused by their protocol, which they could not afford to acknowledge."

The very next morning, I returned to confront them once more. That was when I was expelled, marking the turning point in this entire ordeal. [You do not expel Dr. Ardis without facing serious repercussions!]

Convinced that COVID-19 patients in New York were being administered Vancomycin, I sought further information on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website. The site contained a single page on COVID-19, which stated that there was no specific hospital protocol in place. Instead, the CDC had adopted the National Institute of Health (NIH) guidelines for treating COVID-19. A link directed me to the NIH website, where the solitary page outlined the following protocol:

"Dr. Anthony Fauci’s guidelines for treating COVID-19 patients in hospitals specify:

All hospitals are mandated to use an experimental drug called Remdesivir for all COVID-19 hospitalized patients in America. Dr. Fauci was aware that this drug could cause kidney failure and had the potential to be fatal for at least 50% of patients. This drug likely supplanted the use of Vancomycin in New York.

In the memo, Dr. Anthony Fauci informed the government that the drug could not be exported to any other country during the first year of the pandemic, ensuring that only Americans would receive this perilous treatment. How considerate of Dr. Fauci."

He cited two studies to justify his assertion that this is the sole medication physicians in this country should prescribe for COVID-19:

1) It demonstrated safety and efficacy against the Ebola virus in a 2019 trial conducted in Africa.

2) It also showed safety and efficacy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a three-month trial conducted by the manufacturer from January to March.

[Both these assertions were a blatant lie.]

They provided links to the study, which I eagerly followed. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the article was titled Ebola Trial in Africa. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of four different drugs in combating Ebola, a virus notorious for its 50% mortality rate.

Dr. Ardis elaborates: "I was astounded to discover that the Independent Safety Board, appointed to oversee the study for the sake of impartiality, reviewed the data in August 2019 and published their findings. Since the study's funders cannot provide their own review board, an independent board is necessary to ensure objectivity. The board's findings led to the permanent removal of two drugs from the trial, with the primary one being Remdesivir. The reason? A staggering 53% of those who received the drug died, a mortality rate even higher than the disease itself.

Curious about the study's funding, I examined that section and questioned whether Dr. Anthony Fauci might have received poor advice from those overseeing the trial. To my astonishment, I discovered that the NIH department had fully funded the study. The Independent Safety Board would have certainly informed Dr. Fauci first that Remdesivir was the deadliest and most toxic of the four drugs, leading to its removal from the trial."

Rather than discontinuing this drug, he malevolently mandated its administration to the unsuspecting American populace, resulting in disastrous consequences. It is worth noting that, in the Congo, the drug was halted after just three days, but in the United States, it continued to be used, posing a potential 100% mortality risk.

On May 1st, 2020, he declared to the world that a particular drug was the sole treatment American doctors could administer to Covid-19 patients, despite being fully aware that it would be fatal to at least 53% of those treated. He claimed the drug was safe and effective, restricting its use to hospitals across the United States until the FDA gave its approval at the end of October 2020, after which it was distributed widely.

I reviewed the second study conducted during the three-month trial from January to March 2020. Gilead Sciences, the drug manufacturer, received approval to use the medication for Covid-19 cases. This same drug, which had previously failed in treating Ebola, was now being tested in a cohort study. They administered the drug to 53 patients from various parts of the world over a period of 10 days. Alarmingly, 31% of these patients developed acute kidney failure within that timeframe. Moreover, 10% had to discontinue the drug before the 10-day mark due to severe kidney damage, necessitating emergency kidney transplants. This was the very drug that New York doctors were administering to Covid-19 patients, leading to significant kidney failures and deaths—not the Covid-19 virus itself.

Alarmingly, On June 30th 1920, the London Guardian newspaper reported in a front-page headline:
"Remdesivir, the first drug approved by licensing authorities in the US to treat Covid-19, is made by Gilead and has been shown to help people recover faster from the disease. The first 140,000 doses, supplied to drug trials around the world, have been used up. The Trump administration has now bought more than 500,000 doses, which is all of Gilead’s production for July and 90% of August and September"!

“President Trump has struck an astonishing deal to ensure Americans have access to the first authorised therapeutic for COVID-19,” said the US Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar. “To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs Remdesivir can get it. The Trump administration is doing everything in its power to learn more about life-saving therapeutics for COVID-19 and secure access to these options for the American people.

The drug, which was trialled in the Ebola epidemic but failed to work as expected, is under patent to Gilead, which means no other company in wealthy countries can make it. The cost is around $3,200 per treatment of six doses, according to the US government statement." Gilead got paid billions of dollars for a scam - for a deadly drug.

Dr Ardis continues: "Within an hour of reading those studies, I hired a publicist out of Washington, D.C set the media around my kitchen table and did 40 to 50 interviews every week to make sure everybody could see the research studies".

In November 2020, after evaluating data on Remdesivir, the World Health Organization advised against its use for any hospitalized Covid-19 patients globally due to the risk of kidney failure. Despite this warning, the drug continues to be administered worldwide. Hospital pharmacists from various countries have reached out to inform me that it is now often referred to by its brand name, Veklury, although it remains the same medication.
Dr. Shurka: I'm still unclear about the events that transpired and the origins of this substance. I understand that you've shifted the focus from bats to snake venom. Can you provide the evidence and proof that led to this connection? How did you arrive at this conclusion?

Dr. Ardis responds: I alerted medical professionals about the dangers and toxicity of Remdesivir, revealing that Dr. Anthony Fauci had lied about the drug's safety and efficacy. In response, these doctors established telemedicine organizations to support people through COVID-19, aiming to keep them out of hospitals and save lives, which proved to be very beneficial.

I would never have delved into the venom theory of COVID-19 without substantial evidence, and I assure you, we can demonstrate that the entire COVID-19 narrative is an elaborate deception. They have misled all of you. Every symptom associated with COVID-19, including long-term effects labeled as post-COVID syndrome or long-haul COVID-19, can be traced to specific venoms from various creatures and snakes. I can identify these venoms, explain their impact, and reveal a single antidote to alleviate these symptoms—an antidote they do not want you to discover.

Dr. Shurka: A quick question before we continue—do you see any connection between snake venom and today’s vaccines?
Dr. Ardis: Definitely. I originally intended to investigate anti-venom, but my findings took an unexpected turn. During some interviews on monoclonal antibodies, a fellow doctor requested that I examine certain studies to confirm his observations.

Monoclonal antibodies, particularly the drug known as Regeneron, achieved a 100% success rate in treating acute COVID-19 patients globally. Originally, Regeneron had demonstrated superior efficacy in an Ebola trial, outperforming all other medications, including Remdesivir, which was tested alongside three different monoclonal antibodies. Despite its remarkable success, the FDA prohibited the use of monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron in the United States and all its jurisdictions two years ago. [This decision raises questions about their intent to not allow survival through this epidemic.]

Dr. Bartlett operated an infusion center in Odessa, Texas, administering monoclonal antibodies for four consecutive months with remarkable success, treating a thousand patients each month without a single failure. In my research, I discovered that 90% of anti-venom used globally in hospitals and clinics to treat snake bites consists of monoclonal antibodies. The revelation was startling.

Scientists inject snake venom into horses and cows, prompting these animals to generate antibodies against the venom. The researchers then draw blood from the animals, isolate and centrifuge the antibodies, and package them into small vials for hospital use. This method addresses snake bites and treats stings from scorpions and other venomous creatures. In the United States, most antivenoms are known as polyclonal antibodies. These combine antibodies from different sources, such as copperhead and rattlesnake antibodies, to create a versatile treatment. This approach is particularly useful because patients often cannot identify the species of snake that bit them. Conversely, in most parts of the world, 90% of antivenoms are monoclonal antibodies, targeting a single type of venom.

Dr. Shurka: You began to suspect a link between Covid and some form of venom when you noticed that anti-venom treatments were aiding patients.

Dr. Ardis: It took me less than five minutes to arrive at a startling realization: if monoclonal antibodies are effective in treating snakebite victims, why are they proving to be 100% effective against COVID-19? I had always believed that COVID-19 originated from bats. Curiosity led me to Google, where I searched for the origins of COVID-19. To my astonishment, I found a CNN Health article that suggested: "Snakes could be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak."

Published in January 2020, the article's opening sentence declared: "The Chinese Krait snake and the Chinese Cobra may be the source of the newly discovered coronavirus, which has triggered an outbreak of the deadly infectious respiratory illness in China this year." Geneticists specializing in DNA analysis had confirmed that the source of COVID-19 was linked to snake DNA.

Immersing myself in a multitude of articles from January 2020, each rigorously fact-checked and delving into the origins of COVID, I couldn't help but wonder—how did the bat narrative emerge by the end of that month?

In January 2020, Chinese scientists collected blood samples from every patient in Wuhan hospitals and sequenced their DNA to identify the targets of their antibodies. Their evolutionary analysis revealed a striking similarity between the codon usage bias of the coronavirus and that of snake venom, a discovery they promptly published.
Chinese study Jan 2020.jpg
Chinese study Jan 2020.jpg [ 57.53 KiB | Viewed 4513 times ]

I have never in my entire life read the words 'similar codon usage bias' in my life, I had to find out what codon usage bias means. The picture below reflects the origin well.
eucleidian distance.JPG
eucleidian distance.JPG [ 121.76 KiB | Viewed 4545 times ]

In April 2020, French scientists isolated the spike protein of Covid-19 and conducted DNA analyses. Their published results revealed a striking discovery: the spike protein of Covid-19 is identical to two specific proteins. One is cobra toxin, found in the venom of the king cobra, and the other is Bungarotoxin, present in the venom of the Asian Krait snake.

Dr. Shurka: How exactly do they use this venom to affect us? Can you elaborate on the methods involved?

Dr. Ardis: Certainly. At least 5 billion people globally have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, on the NIH’s website, there’s a document designed for the public explaining the creation of these vaccines. The document is titled 'Understanding Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine.' What did they claim these vaccines would protect against or assist in combating?

Dr. Jason Shurka: From what I gathered from the media, they indicated it was the Covid-19 virus.

Dr. Ardis: The virus is officially termed SARS-CoV-2. The range of symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, and loss of taste and smell fall under what is categorized as COVID-19 disease. People do not contract the Covid-19 virus itself; instead, they experience a range of symptoms. Covid, as a singular virus, doesn't exist. It is merely a term for a collection of symptoms. Health agencies worldwide informed us that the vaccine would provide protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reduce the severity of outcomes if infected with another strain, lessen the likelihood of severe hospitalization and death, and offer immunity against future COVID variant infections.

Within just a few months of the initial assertions, it was found that the vaccine's effectiveness waned more quickly than expected, necessitating a second dose for travellers. Subsequently, booster shots were introduced; however, these boosters did not contain any COVID-19 viral particles, and thus, did not confer immunity against the virus. Alarmingly, those who had been vaccinated experienced increased rates of COVID-19 infections and severe health complications, which frequently proved fatal.

The NIH's website features a pamphlet titled 'Understanding Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines', which clearly states: 'mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS-CoV-2 Virus'. Therefore, it is impossible to contract Covid-19 from the mRNA vaccine. When I displayed this information during a presentation last week, the audience was visibly taken aback. One might assume that a small amount of the virus would be included in the vaccine to provide protection and help build immunity against the various SARS-CoV-2 variants reportedly mutating worldwide.

Isn't it peculiar that the actual vaccines didn't contain any SARS-CoV-2 virus? What, then, did they include? According to a separate pamphlet on the same website titled 'Covid-19 mRNA vaccine production,' researchers rapidly sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 virus using advanced gene sequencers early in the pandemic. This genetic information was swiftly shared with other scientists. The pamphlet on the NIH's website explains that the researchers chose the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate, meaning no actual SARS-CoV-2 virus was present in the vaccines. Instead, they included what is purported to be the spike protein, which geneticists worldwide identified as resembling king cobra venom and Krait venom

Once more, they opted for the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate. This choice was validated when the gene was identified as venom protein from the king cobra and bungarotoxin from the krait snake, another venomous serpent native to Asia. If the virus were indeed present, it might have been incorporated into the vaccine. DNA analysis has revealed that these venoms are found in every COVID-19 patient globally.

How did they put venom-based snake proteins into the COVID shots, they tell you right here?
Plasmid.jpg [ 55.66 KiB | Viewed 4506 times ]

They can embed any desired payload into the tiny plasmid, which then gets absorbed by bacteria, yeast, and even mammalian cells. The plasmid's role is to instruct the host cell to produce the specific protein encoded within it. This process occurs when the plasmid is delivered into cells through "vaccine" injections.

Dr. Jason Shurka: Alright, but people were falling ill even before the vaccine was introduced?

Dr. Ardis: Absolutely. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic was orchestrated by dispersing plasmids into the air, water supply, and food. They are producing massive quantities of these plasmids globally to engineer pandemics.

Dr. Jason Shurka: Many viewers or readers might label you as a wild conspiracy theorist. Can you provide concrete proof and evidence?

Dr. Ardis: I published a document titled 'Watch the Water Drops,' which caused significant alarm and angered numerous medical professionals. They argued that it's impossible to ingest snake venom, yet I suggested that this venom is being introduced into our water systems, and people are unknowingly consuming it.
We’re all on lockdown with the "worst variant of COVID" which makes the whole world sick while we’re all locked down. How did it spread, all of us are in our houses, and we all have air conditioning and filters in our homes? How did we all get this "respiratory virus" inside these houses? We only pay the government to deliver one thing to all of our houses. Every industrialized nation around the world gets water delivered.

Snake venom is water-soluble and can penetrate our skin during activities like showering or bathing. For decades, researchers worldwide have been investigating how to introduce the venom of cobras, krait snakes, and marine shellfish into the human body. They have determined that ingestion and injection are effective methods, but they also know that venom can be absorbed directly through the skin when dissolved in water.

Dr. Jason Shurka: You're suggesting that a mass genocide is occurring.

Dr. Ardis: Absolutely, it’s definitely happening.

Dr. Jason Shurka: Allow me to challenge your point for a moment. You claim the government is introducing this into everyone's water supply. But what about the rest of the world? People everywhere are falling ill at the same time. Are you saying this is a global phenomenon, not just confined to the United States?

Dr. Ardis: Yes, it’s affecting the entire world.

Dr. Jason Shurka: How do they manage to implement that through the water system?

Dr. Ardis: It's surprisingly simple. This agenda actually has roots in the Nazi Holocaust concentration camps. During that time, they learned two crucial things. First, they needed to take control of the water supply. Second, they had to regulate the vaccine injections given to prisoners. They conducted experiments with metals to determine if they could poison individuals, and explored the possibility of achieving similar results through the water systems.

When we brought them to the United States, the CIA integrated them into NASA. A few years later, as America's water treatment systems were being established, the nation's vaccine agenda began to gain momentum. Water delivery systems are being exploited to generate pandemics. A 2007 paper titled 'Water and Terrorism' highlighted vulnerabilities in the water treatment infrastructures of all major industrialized nations. Any terrorist group or hostile country can introduce harmful substances into a community's water supply, triggering pandemics, weakening the population, and making it easier to conquer them through warfare or military intervention.

They released a document detailing the methods for contaminating water supplies with weaponized E. coli bacteria and toxins derived from venomous creatures like Cono snails to induce illness. The document also explains how to handle and administer lethal poisons such as anthrax and diphtheria toxin. It provides instructions on producing these hazardous substances and ensuring their survival even in chlorine environments.

You could incite a catastrophic event in your town. Imagine sparking a massive outbreak in New York by contaminating the water supply of a few skyscrapers with venom, causing thousands to fall gravely ill overnight. This would result in widespread respiratory failure, overwhelming New York's hospitals with fatalities. By also introducing victims who have succumbed to acute kidney failure from a drug, you could set the scene for a global pandemic, all amplified by America's deep-state media conglomerates. Congratulations!

Continued in Part 2 Please click here
[1] Cheng et al. (2020) Superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation. PNAS.
[2] Martins D, Potet J, Ribeiro I. Snakebites and COVID-19: two crises, one research and development opportunity. BMJ Glob Health. 2021 Oct;6(10):e006913. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006913. PMID: 34697086; PMCID: PMC8557241.
[3] By Rosemary Brandt, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Aug. 24, 2021 "Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality"
[4] Brogna, Carlo & Cristoni, Simone & Petrillo, Mauro & Querci, Maddalena & Piazza, Ornella & Van den Eede, Guy. (2021). Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients. F1000Research. 10. 550. 10.12688/f1000research.54306.2.
[5] Sanchez-Campos N, Bernaldez-Sarabia J, Licea-Navarro AF. Conotoxin Patenting Trends in Academia and Industry. Mar Drugs. 2022 Aug 19;20(8):531. doi: 10.3390/md20080531. PMID: 36005534; PMCID: PMC9410114.
[6] A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease ... Please click this link
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