TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Thu, 03 Feb 2022, 11:07 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 230
I have often mentioned the name of Dr Weston Price when discussing the causes of dento-facial asymmetries and crowded teeth with patients. His work is much better described in an article which appeared in the Ecologist Magazine during 2003. I think this was the best article I have read regarding the work of Dr Weston Price so I recommend that you read it and also visit the links below if you wish to know more.
weston Price.jpg
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'The Ecologist', which was headed by Lord Zac Goldsmith, also happens to be the best magazine around which is not controlled by corporations nor does it advertise published the article below.

Article by Sally Fallon
1st July 2003

"In the 1930s US dentist, Weston Price travelled the world to study the diets of ‘primitive’ peoples. He found a startling lack of disease and proof that a system of environmentally-friendly local food production is the best way to ensure human health.

In the US, one person in three suffers from allergies, one in 10 will have ulcers and one in five is mentally ill. Every year a quarter of a million infants are born with a birth defect who then undergo expensive surgery or are hidden away in institutions. Other degenerative diseases - arthritis, multiple sclerosis, digestive disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and chronic fatigue - afflict a significant majority of US citizens. And learning disabilities such as dyslexia and hyperactivity make life miserable for 7 million young people and their parents.

These diseases were extremely rare only a generation or two ago. Today, chronic illness afflicts nearly half of all Americans and causes three out of four deaths in the US. Most tragically, these diseases, formerly experienced only by the very old, now strike children and those in the prime of life. We have almost forgotten that our natural state is one of balance, wholeness and vitality. Weston Price

Things were not so bad in the 1930s, but the situation was already then serious enough to alarm one dentist in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr Weston Price was reluctant to accept the conditions exhibited by his patients as normal. Rarely... ">>Read more

Please also visit the Weston Price Foundation pages.

"The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways. People seeking health today often condemn certain food groups -- such as grains, dairy foods, meat, salt, fat, sauces, sweets and nightshade vegetables -- but the Wise Traditions Diet is inclusive, not exclusive."

>>> Visit WAPF website

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