TMJ 'dysfunction' - Health implications

Within this forum, you will discover valuable insights on how a 'dysfunctional' jaw, dental arch anomalies, and various body asymmetries can contribute to illness from a unique perspective. This is your go-to resource for finding effective solutions and achieving lasting relief.
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PostPosted: Sun, 05 Dec 2021, 4:07 pm 
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Joined: Fri, 28 Sep 2012, 9:08 pm
Posts: 225
By Dr Mercola

"Drugs — when taken as prescribed — kill more than 106,000 Americans each year, and the death toll from overdosing on painkillers is now greater than both car accidents and death from illegal drug use. (Unfortunately, almost half a million deaths attributed to COVID-19 in a year have superseded this statistic)

As noted in a recent New York Times article, "drug overdoses are driving up the death rate of young white adults in the United States to levels not seen since the end of the AIDS epidemic more than two decades ago."

Between 1999 and 2014, the rate of drug overdose deaths for Caucasians between the ages of 25 and 34 rose by 500 percent. The overdose rate for 35 to 44-year-olds tripled.

And while these rates include both illegal and prescription drugs, the latter FAR exceed the former. It's a sad fact that the cornerstone of modern medicine — drugs — is also a major killer of patients."

Newsmax Now | Nick Tate talks about 'Glenn Frey’s death'

Dr Mercola goes on to say that:
"The drugs commonly prescribed for Rheumatoid Arthritis are among the most dangerous on the market.
These include prednisone, TNF-alpha inhibitors (sold under brand names such as Humira, Enbrel, and Remicade. Side effects of these drugs include infection and an increased risk for cancer), and harsh anticancer drugs like methotrexate."

Not long ago, another Rheumatoid Arthritis drug Vioxxwas removed after 60,000 people died of heart attacks and strokes. Many of these drugs are based largely on pure fantasy, wishful thinking or outright fraud.

While the drug companies make billions, people are dying by the million. This report further emphasises the point.

Comment: I have a somewhat different take on the subject of Rheumatoid arthritis, which would help very many patients to get off this deception. Please note, this singer from The Eagles had Ulcerative Colitis AND Rheumatoid Arthritis.

What does all this tell us?

In this case, there was perhaps an intimate connection between gut dysfunction and the incidence of Rheumatoid arthritis as we have often noted. These two symptoms are never related by the pigeonholing medical profession. The two disorders conventionally are treated as separate entities needing different specialists - a Rheumatologist and a Gastroenterologist. Readers should not be surprised to learn that the biggest departments in any hospital are those dealing with these two symptoms. The wishy-washy treatments meted out to patients do not have a hope in hell of curing anyone. In fact, the word "cure" is an anathema in medical nomenclature.

TNF-alpha inhibitors are some of the most expensive drugs, costing around 20K per patient per year, and hence the push from big pharma to call as many diseases "autoimmune" as possible. Which generates huge profits for big pharma and keeps the Rheumatologists and Gastroenterologists very busy putting patients through numerous futile scans and tests and finally sending them home with sacks full of useless and often very dangerous drugs, as per Dr Mercola.

The presence of the following will predispose a patient to Rheumatoid arthritis:

Gastric reflux disease
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis
Unrefreshing sleep
Sleep apnoea
TMJ dysfunction

How does this cause Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Whenever there is a problem with the digestive organs, the pumping action that we are supposed to get from the diaphragm, when breathing, is often poor or mostly absent. The abdominal organs have evolved, reliant on the external diaphragmatic pump, innervated and brought into action by a correct breathing technique.

If this diaphragmatic-pump was not present in our anatomical development, all the abdominal organs would have evolved with much more vascularity.

In the absence of a properly functioning diaphragm, stagnation follows and all the various symptoms of various gastric illnesses start and a 'leaky gut' dysfunction starts. The bacterial flora in the gut also often contribute to various disease presentations. The 'leaky gut' phenomenon allows larger molecules to escape from the gut wall into the bloodstream. These molecules go and lodge mainly in areas of the least blood supply, which are our joints. Our body does not like this foreign invasion and an inflammatory reaction follows, giving rise to the condition called "Rheumatoid Arthritis".

As no medical advice to improve the breathing function is recommended, the foreign molecular invasion is incessant, and the condition becomes chronic, leading to severe damage to the joints and digits.

Suppressing this reaction with steroids, which damage the femoral head of the hips, block the sagittal sinuses in the skull and can produce psychosis, is abhorrent. Using immune ablation drugs, which kill the bodies' ability to safeguard itself, is the most idiotic if not ruthless form of medical care.

What can you do to overcome these symptoms?
Very simply, the cause of all these conditions is a poor breathing mechanism. This is largely due to:

Chest breathing;
A poor jaw to skull relationship;
A poorly developed lower jaw;
An asymmetry of the Atlas vertebra;
An asymmetry of the hips;
Collapsed foot arches.

Almost all sufferers are chest breathers, often with a much-reduced capacity to breathe. Patients actually need to practice abdominal breathing. To attain good results, patients should join Yoga classes and do abdominal breathing all the time. This would eliminate the problem in some 50% of the patients, while others will get substantially better from their gastric disorders - a far better outcome than any medicine will ever provide.

Jaw treatment (not splints) will help almost eliminate the problem in many. This would also address the Atlas and hip asymmetry. Many patients are also found to be suffering from sleep apnoea, confirming a problem with the breathing capacity and hence the necessity for dental and orthodontic correction.

Quite remarkably, using foot arch supports also improves the breathing capacity greatly. Please check your feet, and you can either buy them online for as little as £10.00 for a pair or see a proper podiatrist to be properly fitted, as often both feet are not similar, and the collapse can be greater in one arch.

I came across this fascinating [url=article which further confirms that RA is not an Auto-Immune disease.]article which further confirms that RA is not an Auto-Immune disease.[/url] The inflammation is perhaps attributed to a dysfunctional Vagal stimulation.

The drugs used for Gastric reflux problems fall into a class of antacids called protein pump inhibitors (PPIs). They have terrible adverse effects on the patient's body. They boost the chances of heart disease, dementia, kidney dysfunction, and bone fractures. Furthermore, they impair the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12, which can lead to B12 deficiency.

They also contribute to an imbalance of healthy gut microbiota that can lead to an antibiotic resistant diarrhoeal infection called Clostridia Difficile.

The treatment is SIMPLY to always belly breathe - not poison the system further with useless and dangerous drugs. Instead, taking supplements such as turmeric or Fenugreek seed tea is far safer and extremely beneficial.

To get much better outcomes and if your condition is severe, you need an evaluation of your jaw and body asymmetries and the appropriate treatment to restore proper breathing function.

Comment received from a very senior hospital staff:

Dear Dr Amir
Now that I understand the anatomy and physiology behind your findings and the impact it has on the body, I recall many patients who I nursed over my many years within the NHS who exhibited such symptoms.
I worked with many rheumatology patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis who often complained of gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Ulcerative Colitis or other such diagnoses/symptoms.

There was never any understanding of the link between the two, in fact, I recall being told the gastrointestinal issues were likely linked to side effects of arthritis medication.

I hope individuals diagnosed with these conditions get the opportunity to receive your treatment, and I will continue to try to influence the NHS to recognise this.
Mari Gay
Senior NHS Manager and Director

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